We need you!
Every convention is backed by a dedicated team of Volunteers and without them, the convention could not function properly. We don’t ask much from our Volunteers we just ask that you come willing to work. Don’t worry, you’ll still have plenty of time to check out the panels and see friends!
Every convention is backed by a dedicated team of Volunteers and without them, the convention could not function properly. We don’t ask much from our Volunteers we just ask that you come willing to work. Don’t worry, you’ll still have plenty of time to check out the panels and see friends! We couldn’t do it without you! MCA Entertainment wants to thank you for volunteering your time to help make Anime Blues Con 2024 a success! Find out what it takes to pull off the
largest Anime Convention in West Tennessee!
For questions, please reach out to Volunteer Director at: Volunteer@animeblues.com
Typical Volunteer jobs
•Badge check
-Sit or stand at a designated area during your shift ensuring that everyone that walks through has a proper event badge or wristband displayed.
•Line control
-Typically standing in a designated area or room during your shift ensuring everyone is standing in an orderly line and/or directing attendees to the correct line.
-Must have good customer service skills as this is an attendee facing job.
•Gopher / Runner
-Volunteer backup. During your shift you may be called upon to assist in a certain area in need of additional help.
•Ops Assistant
-Operations Department – Assisting departments as needed.
Badges and Hours
Volunteers are expected to complete 12 volunteer hours during the convention weekend (more in select departments). Arrive on
time and stay for your complete shift.
Approved volunteers do not need to have a badge purchased before the event as one will be provided to you. However, failure to report to your volunteer shifts will result in a permanent ban unless notice is given prior that you will be unable to make your shift.
Volunteer badges, like all Anime Blues badges, are non-transferrable.
If a volunteer gives their issued badge to another person, that volunteer is subject to expulsion and permanent ban from
volunteering at future Anime Blues events.
Age Restrictions
No experience is required! You must be 16 years old by June 7th, 2024.
Volunteer Check-In
Please check in with the Volunteer Director, when you arrive at the convention. Volunteer operations / check-in is located at the Convention Operations room (Con-Ops) located across the hall from Registration.
Volunteer meetings, volunteer events, and communications between Directors and general volunteers may contain
information from Anime Blues Con which may be confidential and privileged. Please refrain from any disclosure, copying,
distribution or use of this information and note that such actions are prohibited until an official statement is released by
the convention. This includes guest announcements, events, and convention policies/practices.
Volunteers are required to abide by the same rules as attendees, and should be well-read on all Anime Blues Con official
Volunteers are restricted from any activity that will distract them from assigned duties.
This includes, but is not limited to:
•working for a vendor or artist,
•focusing on a personal mobile device when they’re supposed to be focused on attendees,
•participating in a contest while staffing said contest, etc.
After their scheduled hours, volunteers are welcome to enjoy the convention, but Anime Blues Con duties take precedence over other activities while the volunteer is on shift.
•Alcohol and illegal substances are not allowed to be carried or consumed by volunteers while on shift.
•The convention center is a nonsmoking facility. Please only smoke or vape in designated locations.