Important Rules
In order to make your convention experience and that of your fellow con-goers a pleasant one, we require everyone to observe the following rules. Persons violating this Code of Conduct may be asked to leave Yama-Con. Please have your Yama-Con event badge openly displayed on your person at all times while in any of the convention space(s). Yama-Con reserves the right to refuse entrance into the events or service to any individual or group at any time.
General Rules
Respect your fellow attendees
Everyone has the right to a safe and fun time at Yama-Con. Don’t do anything that harasses, threatens, or harms other attendees. If you are being harassed, threatened, or harmed, please find a member of Public Safety. See our anti-harassment policy for more details.
Don’t break the law
Please don’t steal, start fights, drink if you’re underage (or give drinks to minors), or do anything else that’s illegal in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, or the United States.
Disorderly and disruptive behavior such as hollering, cursing around minors, noisemakers, and disrupting foot traffic is prohibited and may result in ejection from Yama-Con.
Persons committing vandalism, graffiti, defacement, destruction of property, and criminal damage will be ejected from Yama-Con and given to the custody of Pigeon Forge City Police.
Persons committing theft, shoplifting, larceny, burglary, looting, robbery, counterfeiting, and fraud will be ejected from Yama-Con and given to the custody of Pigeon Forge City Police.
Don’t drink or smoke at the LeConte Center
The hotel bar is the only place in the convention space where drinking is allowed. Please use designated outside areas for smoking. Using e-cigarettes and vapes counts as smoking for the purposes of this rule.
Wear your badge at all times
Your badge must be visible. If a staff member asks to see your badge or photo ID, you must show it to them. Yama-Con reserves the right to deny entrance to any part of convention space to anyone not wearing a valid convention badge.
Keep your kids with you
Attendees under 13 must be accompanied by an adult at all times, even when in designated children’s programming areas. Parents will be held responsible for any damages caused by their children.
Follow the prop and costume rules
See our Prop and Costume Policy for more details.
Follow hotel and convention center policies
Don’t sleep in public areas. Don’t bring pets with you (though service animals are allowed). If a hotel or convention center staff member asks you to do something, follow their directions.
Obey all directions given to you by Yama-Con staff members
If you have a problem with something a staff member asks you to do, follow their directions first, then ask to see their supervisor.
Failure to follow these rules may result in consequences up to and including revocation of your membership and badge, removal from convention space, and involvement of local law enforcement. The head of Yama-Con’s Safety Department has the final say as to the interpretation of these rules.
Anti-Harassment Policy
If someone’s behavior makes you feel unwelcome, unsafe, or uncomfortable, that is harassment.
Yama-Con does not allow harassment of any kind, including but not limited to behaviors such as: stalking, offensive comments, hate speech, bathroom policing, inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact, recording or taking pictures without permission, and repeatedly disrupting conversations you have been asked to leave. The aforementioned comments or hate speech could be in relation to: age, race or ethnicity, color, citizenship or national origin, relationship status, sexual orientation, gender identity or presentation, appearance, clothing, body size, pregnancy, disability, or religion. This list is not an exhaustive list.
Keep your hands to yourself.
Respect your fellow attendees.
Keep an eye on what you say to people and how you act around them.
Remember, cosplay is not consent: just because someone is in costume, it doesn’t give you permission to take a picture or touch their costume.
Ask first, and if they tell you no, respect that.
What to do if you see or experience harassment
If you feel harassed or see someone else being harassed, notify a staff member immediately. You are also within your rights to ask the harasser to stop on your own. Once notified, Yama-Con staff will take any action necessary to stop the behavior, up to and including badge revocation and expulsion from convention premises. We will also take steps to help you feel safe again at your request, such as escorting you to a place you feel safe, contacting your friends or family for you, or contacting law enforcement.
This policy applies without exception to everyone at the convention, including attendees, panelists, vendors, guests, convention staff, and venue staff.
Membership Policies
Badges and wristbands serve as proof of membership for the dates and/or times listed on them. Your membership grants you access to all non-specialty events and function spaces based on availability and convention policies. Specialty events may require an additional fee. Badges and wristbands remain the property of Yama-Con and must be surrendered on request by an authorized representative of Yama-Con. Please remember that duplicating a membership badge is forgery- a felony in the state of Tennesse. If you are caught forging and/or selling forged badges, you will be banned from the convention, and given to the custody of the Pigeon Forge City Police
The Yama-Con venue spaces comprise the Exhibit Hall/Ballroom Level of the LeConte Center, Access to these spaces requires that proof of membership be displayed at all times. No proof of membership is required to go to registration.
Badge checks are performed for entrance to the following areas:
Exhibit Hall/Ballroom Level of the Memphis Cook Convention Center.
Persons without proof of membership found to be loitering in any controlled spaces will be required to buy a membership or asked to leave.
Convention: Yama-Con
Date: December 6th-8th 2024
Location: LeConte Center in Pigeon Forge, TN
ama-Con Has Some Simple And Reasonable Rules For Cosplay
The Yama-Con Dress Code Policy covers the Convention Venues (LeConte Convention Center) Be aware that not everybody (including parents, hotel and convention staff, and local law enforcement) are anime and manga fans, so they may question if your costume is appropriate. Yama-Con is a family friendly//All-Ages convention, so parents with young children will be present.
You may be asked to change your costume.
Please Do
Wear shoes at all times (including dancing shoes, or entire foot coverings)
Wear masks ONLY in convention spaces
Have weapons inspected and peace bound at the Weapons Check booth next to Registration.
Please Do Not
Roller skates/roller blades
Metal chains
Carry real weapons
Carry props that cannot fit through a door or weigh more than 20 lbs
Wear costumes that resemble law enforcement or medical personnel
Additional Rules
Nudity and underwear only are NOT allowed
The sides and undersides of breasts should be covered
Bodysuits or flesh-colored fabric is acceptable
With form-fitting clothing, a dance belt (or other undergarments) to cover genitalia is required
Please use good judgment and common sense in general. This is a family-friendly convention. Keep all costumes sensible and at a rating acceptable in public. There will be children present.
No costume is no costume! If you are not clothed properly, you will be asked to change. This includes having a shirt and shoes at all times. We are using public spaces we rent so the local laws are in effect. No shirt, no shoes, no service. For costumes which a character is typically shirt-less, all MALE costumes may remove their shirt for photos but must put the shirt back on when walking in public spaces.
Please make sure your costume uses non-see through material over the private body parts. Once again remember there will be children present.
No profanity displayed on the clothing or costume.
Those who abuse this policy will be subject to removal from the convention without refund from the convention or the Hotel.
Grossly offensive or high shock value cosplays, uniforms, outfits or t-shirts will be asked to change or risk expulsion.
Before taking a photo, please ask your subject if it’s okay. Most people love to be photographed, but you should always ask and get permission. Be aware of your surroundings, as certain areas are crowded with people. Ask who is photographing you that you may want to go to a less crowded location. If you have a weapon as part of your costume, be EXTREMELY careful of crowds walking or running into you, especially if you are posing with a weapon.
In order to protect their own safety and that of others, Yama-Con attendees understand, agree to, and consent that designated Yama-Con representatives or security personnel throughout the convention have an absolute right to inspect costumes, weapons, and any other items, and that they will submit to such an inspection. Any attendee must submit their costumes, weapons, and other items to an immediate inspection upon request or must leave the convention. In the event a person declines to submit to an inspection and refuses to leave, they shall be immediately expelled from the convention and escorted off the premises.
Only Yama-Con Staff may determine whether any particular item covered by this policy is permitted or not permitted at Yama-Con and such determination is solely, exclusively, and absolutely at the discretion of Yama-Con. Persons who do not cooperate with the determinations of Yama-Con concerning the application of this policy to any particular item may be immediately expelled from the convention.
Persons who carry or otherwise bring prop weapons, replicas, or similar items do so at their own, sole, and absolute risk, and assume all risks of liability, harm, damage, or loss to any person or property injured or otherwise harmed, intentionally or accidentally, directly or indirectly, by such items or the person carrying them.
Yama-Con Anime & Comic Convention, shall not be liable for any injury, harm, damage, or other risk or liability associated with any person’s use of any weapon, replica, or prop, whether permitted or banned hereunder, at Yama-Con. In no event shall Yama-Con, and its affiliates and subsidiaries, or the LeConte Convention Center and the Ramsey Hotel & Convention Center have any liability for any incidental, consequential, special, or exemplary, damages hereunder, even if informed of the possibility of same.
Convention: Yama-Con
Date: December 6th-8th 2024
Location: LeConte Center in Pigeon Forge, TN